
Showing posts from June, 2022

Alopecia Areata: Causes and Treatment

Alopecia Areata Treatment and Causes Hair loss can happen for many reasons. Your doctor will carefully examine your hair loss pattern and medical history to find out the most likely cause. Your doctor might notice that you have smooth or peach-colored patches on your scalp. Sometimes your doctor may pull a tiny strand of hair from the top of your head to inspect it under a microscope. If your doctor cannot confirm the diagnosis, he may send you to a lab for a test. The lab technician will remove a small amount of your hair and examine it under the microscope. Alopecia areata: Treatments The condition causes patches of baldness that can affect any part of the body, including the scalp. The condition usually affects the scalp but can also affect the nails. In approximately one in 10 cases, the nail will become ridged or pitted. Sometimes, patients will experience hair loss in their beards. They usually grow back. It is possible to treat alopecia areata, which can cause anxiet...